Author Archives: Mitch C
Rep. Mitt Romney’s First Ad of 2012 Campaign a Lie
In a bold move, Republican Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s campaign has released its very first political ad of the 2012 Presidential race and it is a lie. Regardless of what party you support, there is no denying the deception in … Continue reading
Penn State Officials May Have “Made Wrong Call By Firing Joe Paterno”
In a move heralded as the only logical move, Penn State’s board of trustees fired Joe Paterno this past Wednesday. In an interesting development a lawyer for one of the alleged victims says the board “Made the wrong call by firing … Continue reading
Where is the Palace that America is Supposed to be?
I woke today and wondered what I would read in the news. What I read is sad and shows the deepest and darkest sides of America. In Mississippi the so-called “personhood” amendment had been rejected. So in Mississippi a woman … Continue reading
Guy Fawkes’ Masks Symbol of Protest
Remember, remember the masks from November. Or any other month for that matter. As the Occupy Wall Street, as well as many Occupy (Insert city name), protest grows, it seems themovement has taken a page from “V for Vendetta” and … Continue reading
Hillary Swank Still Falling
The latest development, reported by EW is public relations firm 42West have “dumped” Swank over a disagreement over how to handle the fallout from the aforementioned appearance. Swank apologized for attending the birthday, informing the media that she “would have never gone” … Continue reading
Disaster Strikes Set of Expendables 2
The Sofia News Agency reports that a stuntman has died in a botched explosion on the set of the much anticipated Expendables 2. There were two other injured in the blast and one of them was reported to be in critical condition but is … Continue reading
Doing Something About Obesity in America
While the country is suffering from record rates of obesity, it is very refreshing to know there are groups out there who are proactive and trying to make a difference in this battle by starting at the beginning, with our … Continue reading
Winehouse Beat Drugs But the Bottle was Her End
It has been confirmed that Amy Winehouse had stayed clean and no drugs were found in her system at the time of her death. But unfortunately another vice was too blame. Amy Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning on July 23rd 2011 at … Continue reading
Hacker group “Anonymous” Takes on Child Pornography
Where the government fails, leave it to a group of hackers to succeed. The infamous “Anonymous” hacker group decided to target a collection of child pornography sites called Freedom Hosting and succeeded in not only crashing the sites but also releasing … Continue reading
Stewart’s “Scorn in the U.S.A.” Segment Rips GOP
Jon Stewart has had enough. Stewart ripped the GOP on Tuesday night on The Daily Show for their conservative rhetoric about Occupy Wall Street. In recent media coverage, the GOP has been using catch phrases such as “Take it to the streets” … Continue reading