I woke today and wondered what I would read in the news. What I read is sad and shows the deepest and darkest sides of America.
In Mississippi the so-called “personhood” amendment had been rejected. So in Mississippi a woman is still allowed to choose. The pro-life movement must be so mad.
I also read a very amusing post on the Huffington Post website, which you can read by clicking here. Theater Professor Domenick Scudera wrote an article about being gay in one of the most creative and hilarious ways possible. The article made me laugh but the underlying message is one of great sadness. Reading this article may be amusing but it also exposes the intolerance of certain things in our society such as gay people and as mentioned above abortion.
The United States of America has been heralded as the land of opportunity, where freedom of speech and freedom of choice reign free. Society has come so far but now it seems to be regressing.
Freedom of choice is supposed to be just that…the freedom of choice. You cannot pick and choose which choices people are allowed to make. That is no longer freedom. Unfortunately to those who are intolerant, if someone chooses to live their life staying true to their hearts and openly gay, it is their choice. If you want to quote the bible and point out how same sex relations and marriage are against God, then take the time to go back and read Matthew 7:1 “Judge not, that you be not judged.” You believe them to be sinners. Okay. They are sinners in your eyes. So remember tolerance and accept that they choose to sin. It is not our choice so who are we to say it is wrong? We can believe it is wrong but the choice is not up to us. If you believe they will burn for their sins then so be it but let them live in peace. Leave the judgment to God.