Rick Santorum Being Bullied By SNL

Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum feels he is being bullied by none other than Saturday Night Live for his conservative views on gay marriage.  SNL ran a skit entitled ”Yet Another GOP Debate” where Andy Samberg took on the role of Santorum sitting in a gay bar in the Castro section of San Francisco.

While being interviewed on WGIR out of New Hampshire Santorum claims he has been hammered by “the left” for his stance on conservative beliefs. Saying “the left say they‘re tolerant, and they’re anything but tolerant of people who disagree with them and support traditional values.”

This is the same Rick Santorum who called the repeal of the U.S. military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy “detrimental” for gay soldiers. The same man who did and said nothing when a gay soldier was booed by the audience in attendance at a GOP debate.

How out of touch is Mr. Santorum? Well I can tell you that he believes that the key to the economy lies in traditional marriage.

That must be it. Let’s go back to the ways of intolerance and diversity of sexual orientation and move back to the days of Leave it to Beaver and the economy will magically right itself. We really need to alienate those Americans who do not fit into the views of conservatives everywhere. That would really help. I mean what could dividing the nation do? It could only help right?

Luckily Santorum is open to any and all criticism. He actually welcomes it. As confusing as that might be stating he is being bullied. So please remember that next time you decide to criticize him in another skit Lorne Michaels. He is open to criticism…..just not from you.

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