Weston’s Wisdom – End over end

Well the NFL season kicked off last night and they were in fine form with two very high powered offences. There was one of the most spectacular kickoff returns for a touchdown that I have ever seen. For results of the game you can click here.

So I left in the middle of the third quarter and missed a great finish. But that was not the end of my excitement on that night. I was driving home from my friend’s house and listening to music when up ahead I saw a girl crossing the street on her bike. Naturally I slow down to let her cross as she was crossing on a pedestrian crosswalk. Apparently, not everyone thinks the same way I do. The gentleman on my right and behind me was confused about why I was stopping but then put on his brakes. But the guy in the third lane, closest to the sidewalk, had no interest at all in why we stopped and just continued…..straight into the girl on the bike. I immediately put on my four way flashers and jumped out of the car. A guy in a minivan who was behind me, immediately pulled in the lane to pass me, paused, gave me a really stupid “Well wadda ya know.” Look and he drove away!! I had problems getting the girl’s bike out of the street because no one was stopping to help or show concern!

Have any of you seen the movie Unbreakable? Well I met the female of the movie last night. This girl was hit by an 80 year old man in a Benz, rolled all the way to the roof of the car, then flipped off and landed on her back and rolled. I thought for sure she was in big trouble. But before I even got out of my car she was sitting and cursing at the guy in the car. She was definitely in shock but I couldn’t even see a scrape on her at all! She got up and walked to the sidewalk and was checking herself. I called the police and I let her speak to the 911 attendant to see if an ambulance was warranted. I said it must be unless she is a trapeze artist and all those acrobatics were intended. Needless to say the ambulance and police came. I hope the 80 year old man was just in shock because he just stood there saying nothing and watching. I talked to the police officer, gave my name and then I was asked to leave, which I did.

Time for a little rant but a well-deserved one. I would like to think that any of my friends would stop and get out and see how the girl was but I can’t be sure now. I saw 6 cars who witnessed the accident drive away with nothing more than a “did you see that dear?” It was very disappointing. I don’t want to be corny but where has our concern for our fellow human gone??? This blog is documenting my path to becoming an actor. But it is more than that to me and some things just make you stand back and put things in perspective. This girl could have very easily died. She was hit very hard and thanks to some miracle walked away without a scratch although I can’t be sure because I was not at the hospital after. This old guy in the Benz honestly gave me the impression that he was trying to remember if he left the stove on. When I told him he might lose his license he showed a flicker of concern…for his license. I’m at a loss this morning. I truly am. I can’t imagine walking through life with blinders on and only concerned with what is happening to me and my friends and family only. I don’t mean watching the news. I mean walking into a store and making sure there is no one behind you when you let go of the door. I mean giving someone a hand with a bag or whatever you see them struggling with. Just paying attention to world around you. It’s not that hard and I guarantee after you help someone and they smile at you or say thank you you’ll feel good about it. It doesn’t take much. If everyone just took a moment to consider those around you, we would all be better off.

As for the acrobat, I doubt you will ever read this but I hope you’re okay. And to the driver….I hope you didn’t leave the stove on.

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