Weston’s Wisdom – My little corner of the world

Welcome to my blog and thanks for stopping by. I guess you know my name so I can skip that intro. What I can say is I love acting, with all my heart. I know it is what I was born to do. I have been doing voices and impressions since I was 4 years old. I was doing a full set of Eddie Murphy’s Delirious when I was 12.When I was 11 years old I was doing We Are the World and mimicking every person’s voice. I asked my mother if she could bring me to someone and let them hear my impression. There was no Youtube back then of course. She said to me “No one cares if someone can do all the voices in We Are the World”. A full two years later Andre Philippe Gagnon came to fame doing exactly just that. To be fair, he was doing the impression in 1985 but it took a while to catch hold. But how much more impressive would it be to have seen an 11 year old do it?  I was a little frustrated to say the least.

Let’s just say it has always been the dream. I am going to say something now that you may think is conceited. If so, I understand. But I will also tell you something which may have you change your thought or your way of thinking. In my heart, I have always known I am going to make it. It has never been a question to me. I once had an ex-girlfriend, which is probably why she is an ex, ask me “So when are you going to give up and find a real job?” I didn’t even know how to answer. The question just didn’t compute. I know I am a great actor. I know one day I will be able to make a living on acting alone. A good living. Now some of you may think I’m crazy or conceited but for you I have only one question, what good does it do you to think that someone out there is better than you? What good or purpose does it serve you to think you might not make it? The answer is nothing. It does absolutely no good and all kinds of harm. How do you expect to make it if you doubt yourself? People will see right through you and see your insecurities.

So here I am. Sitting at my computer documenting my struggles to make it in the world as an actor and really get my career going in the right direction. I hope you come along for the ride and live with me through the good times and the bad which there may be many as I have never been the world’s luckiest person. But whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger as was said by Friedrich Nietzsche. So shall we start the ride? Amazingly, this ride is free. So take a seat, and let’s see where the next stop is. This definitely won’t be easy for an actor living in Montreal, but it’s a start.

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