Weston’s Wisdom – The Steps

downloadI’m back! I know it has been awhile in between posts but that is only because things are very busy. Got to keep hustling if you want to reach your goals.

I finally received some news on something I have been working on. Actually the news was not really news as much as it was a lack of news. The project I have been developing has been shelved by a company I was speaking with. Many people have seen this as a setback. Personally, I find it liberating. I feel free as a bird. You see, now the options are endless. Now the world is my oyster and I am not limited to the confines of waiting for some form of response from one prospect. Now I can target different prospects, bigger prospects, prospects with better funding.

It all comes down to perception. While many people I talk with decided that this was sad news, it made me realizes how negative some people perceive life. For them it seemed I had reached the end of the road. Others saw the possibility and asked what I was thinking. For me it was never a negative thing. On this site I have talk for hours on what you should do when focusing on your goals and one of those things was to have a plan. Make sure you know where you are going. Before I had even done the finishing touches on part of the project, I already knew what I would do if this day came. And the best part is I didn’t even get told no. I was only told it is not possible at this time to make a decision but we will look at it again down the road. The wheels were set in motion a long time before this day. So I move onto the next phase of the plan. There are also more phases planned after that.

I know this project I am working on will succeed and my project will come to fruition. Of this, I have absolutely no doubt. It is a great concept that is fresh and innovative.

Make sure you plan ahead. Do not wait for the next step to end before planning what to do next. Always be sure to be moving forward. Success will never come to you in one day. Unless you win the lottery, nothing happens overnight. And it shouldn’t. Because one of the most rewarding parts of chasing a dream, is the journey. Relish each moment spent working on your dream. Every minute you spend deciding moves and making adjustments is what makes you who you are. It makes you a better person because you are not giving up. Once you enjoy the process, you will feel that much better about the small victories. Of course there will be setbacks. There always will be, but view them as the learning curve and stay focused.

I know I can’t wait to take on the next phase of my project. Wait till they get a load of me.

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