Weston’s Wisdom – Enough is Enough

I had the honor of having an article published for Technorati and I just thought I would share that post with you. This is my take on American Politics. http://technorati.com/politics/article/enough-is-enough2/

Is it just me or everyone tired of politics? I don’t mean politics at work and I do not mean being politically correct. I am talking about Republicans and Democrats. Throw in the Independents and we have a ball game. But it is a ball game I no longer have the urge to watch.

The United States of America is in trouble people. Unemployment is at its peak, the economy is on the cusp of collapse and it is not making any lives any easier. President Barack Obama’s approval rating is at its lowest to date in the latest Washington Post-ABC polls. The Republicans are cheering and licking their chops for the election coming up next year. The Democrats are trying to put out more fires than a forest fire fighting crew stationed near Los Angeles or San Diego. Both sides are attempting to position themselves for next year. Enough is enough.

When are we going to stand up and say we are tired of this? When are we going to turn off Rush Limbaugh and all the pundits verbally berating each other? When is someone going to start acting on your behalf.

Do you know that President Barack Obama has the American Jobs Act, which he submitted to congress, lying in wait to be tabled and brought to the floor? This bill could stimulate job growth by planning to give extensive payroll tax breaks to small businesses as well as the complete payroll tax holiday for new jobs or wage increases. There is even a reform to federal unemployment insurance which would enable young entrepreneurs access to guaranteed startup capital. Where is this bill? Why is it not passed? Ask House Majority Leader Eric Candor who boasted Monday that House Republicans would not bring Obama’s $447 billion American Jobs Act to the floor for a vote. Many economists have said this plan can help and as Americans that is what everyone needs at this point. So why are we not seeing the plan? Well mostly because political pundits have said that the jobs act would not only help Americans but it would help Barack Obama which is the last thing in the world Republicans would want. So Republicans counter with “Why can we submit our act? Why not our plan?”.

This is exactly what America does not need right now. Barack Obama was elected because he gave people hope. Now people are laughing at him saying he is doing an awful job. The problem isn’t Mr. Obama. It’s partisan politics. The job that needs to be done will never be achieved by any party unless you have a voice. If the Republicans win the next election do you honestly believe things will change? Obama was elected because for the first time in a long time people dared to believe that a politician was telling the truth. The problem is not President Obama. The problem is the system. There is a sickness in America. A dark under belly which eats away at the fabric of society. All we see is political positioning through and through. People who make obscene amounts of money are on Capitol Hill claiming they know what is best for America! Saying they understand what you need. Seriously???? What does someone making 300,000$ a year have in common with infamous Joe the Plummer in rural America who is in debt up to his eyeballs and is barely staving off a mortgage foreclosure? We all know the answer. They can make the rounds giving soap box speeches and claiming to be just like you but they can’t relate anymore.

The world of politics has become a North and South revolution but instead of guns they use words. There are still casualties but they are not deaths and bullet wounds. They are job loss, unemployment, mortgage foreclosures and homeless people. Both sides are just as stubborn and are lost within their parties beliefs to realize no one is actually helping Americans anymore. Put away the speeches. Put away the banter. Put away with partisan politics. This is for all of you in state positions of authority, in Governor’s mansions, in Congress, in the Senate and in the White House. We come for you. We come with open hands and open arms asking for help. We come baring the scars of your battles and the spoiled fruits of your lack of labor. We come looking for mercy and understanding. We come in dire need of change. We come for you. Now do what you were elected to do and listen and act. TOGETHER! Enough bickering and positioning. No more words. This is a call to action.

This was once the land of opportunity. Is has been lost for a long time now. We need to stand together and let them know, enough is enough.

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