Weston’s Wisdom – Inspiration

I’m sure there are many people out there who are struggling to achieve their dreams. No matter what your dream is you are going to have bumps in the road. Maybe your road starts at the very bottom and you have an uphill struggle ahead of you for the duration. Regardless of your situation, I have an inspiring story to share and it is one that has kept me going all this time. This is the story of Jim Carrey.

Someone gave me a copy of Jim’s autobiography The Joker is Wild in 1998. The always entertaining Carrey has definitely had some downs. When he was a teenager he had to work 8 hour shifts as a janitor as well as security at Titan Wheels Factory until they finally deserted the factory. After that he had to live in a Volkswagen camper with his family until they made enough money to move back to Toronto.  In case you didn’t know he was born in Canada. This is someone who was always a performer. He would be rewarded for being silent all day at school with a few minutes at the end of the school day to perform for his fellow students. He sent in his resume to The Carol Burnett Show when he was 10 years old. He had everything going against him and yet he never crumbled. He went through depression while struggling as a comedian but he never gave up.

He then took a leap and moved to Los Angeles in 1979. In 1983 Carrey wrote himself a check for 10 million dollars postdated 10 years from that date. He didn’t think he was going to make…..he KNEW. I won’t tell the whole story. Buy the book, it is truly inspirational.

This kid from Canada took a chance and made it happen. Never gave up, never looked back. His stand-up debut was awful. He still persevered. He had some small roles which brought him to Earth Girls are Easy where he met Damon Wayans who was very impressed and brought him to his brother Keenan to play on the sketch comedy show In Living Color. That led to his first starring role in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. He finally made it and the world was his oyster. He could make people laugh at any moment he chose. But it wasn’t enough. He made it in comedy but he wanted to be considered a serious actor as well. His first turn should have garnered an Oscar nomination but he was snubbed for his role in The Truman Show. Great movie. Was one enough? Nope. In one of his greatest performances, and one of the best portrayals of a true life personality, Carrey took on the role of Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon. Again, completely snubbed by the Academy. If you have never seen this movie, you owe it to yourself. First go research Andy Kaufman, and then see how Carrey brought him back from the grave. Incredible performance. There are many more. I would highly recommend one of my personal favorites, “Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind”.

Whenever I am having doubt or questioning myself, I think back to what Jim Carrey went through to get where he is today. He even paints now. He also has one of the coolest sites on the web http://www.jimcarrey.com . So whatever you are aiming for in your life, to be a doctor, a scientist or a marine biologist, take the lessons from those who have suffered before you to lift you up and show you that nothing is impossible. You can achieve anything with determination. Just ask Jim. By the way, by the time the 10 years past and the postdated check was valid; Jim Carrey was able to cash that check. Only he put it in his father’s coat pocket at his funeral. By that point the check had served its purpose. It was a goal to reach for. But he never thought he would be able to cash that check….he knew.

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