Weston’s Wisdom – Pop Culture

Last night I went to watch my niece play in her league soccer finals. She is 10 and it was a great game but they lost. There were also a couple of very suspect refs but I digress. It was a fun night as my brother is in from out of town and we were all together again. After the game my brother and I and some of the family went out for Dilallo Burgers. If you get the chance, you have to try one. Great burger. While we were there a conversation started which really got me thinking about how much pop culture affects our lives. My brother, who doesn’t watch a lot of television, was talking with my daughter who is fresh off of visiting Comiccon this past weekend. My daughter was talking about the people she had the opportunity to meet and she eventually said Adam West walked in front of her. My brother was very amused and said to her he was the original Batman. She replied with a very sarcastic “I know.” And then the gem of the evening, my brother stated “Isn’t he a mayor of some town in California?” I replied, “Yes….of Quahog….in Family Guy.” My brother was very embarrassed to say the least. He was also less than impressed when I told him that I have to blog about this. But look at how pop culture came spewing out of someone’s mouth who hardly watches television and even worse, hardly watches Family Guy.

I will admit I am one of the worst at pop culture references offenders. I live and breathe films and television in my everyday life. I love everything about it and also remember the most obscure entertainment trivia. I am a sponge and poster child of pop culture. Just look at where is has taken us in society. Kim Kardashian is famous. Can somebody tell me what she did to become famous? So much so that in the rag mags they are claiming her new husband is using her for fame but WHERE DID SHE GET HER FAME???????? I am not bashing Kim. In fact, I have great respect for her because she got herself to where she is without doing anything extraordinary or fame worthy in the entertainment field. She is a master of social media just like Paris Hilton. These are people who used their business acumen or stature in society to get what they want by understanding pop culture. And make no mistake, they are both much more than just a pretty face.

We are a product of the things we watch and we cannot help it. We discuss it at the water cooler. We send links to friends of things we’ve seen. We quote or use catch phrases from films and shows we have watched. We have been shaped by the entertainment industry in the past 20 years. Maybe even 30 years. Many people claim this is the downfall of our time. In some ways I guess I can agree with shows like Jerry Springer and Maury. They prey on the dark side of Americana and know that people can’t help but turn to look when they pass the scene of an accident. They are vultures waiting for the latest sad trend and then they swoop in and eat all the meat off the bones until the next horror show. But there is also a very bright side to the industry. Where someone like Buddy Valastro who has a family business established 1910 through very innovative techniques and years of hard work can become famous just by being a baker. You know him better as the Cake Boss. I can tell you first hand that he is a pop culture icon. I have been to his bakery and people line up around the block for his products. Let me tell you, he stuff is delicious. If you are near New York City take a trip to Carlos Bakery in Hoboken and see for yourself.

I guess it is clearly up for debate as to what kind of long term and lasting effects pop culture will have on all of us. There will always be positives and negatives. I would like to think that it is our choices that shape our own little world and what we choose to reference. As for me, I’m blocking Jersey Shore from my satellite receiver and Buddy, two cannoli please!!

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