Weston’s Wisdom – Some Inspiration, I Hope

Happy Monday to all. Just to give you an update on my decision, I have decided upon a premise for my script and I am 11 pages in. Wish me luck. I would love to think I am on the cusp of writing the next Gone with the Wind but I think I would be lucky to pull off a Waterworld flop. Doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try.

We all need to start somewhere and to be corny; every journey begins with a single step. I have always listened to people give me advice about what to do but I have come to realize you must be in the right frame of mind to take advice and actually apply it. You need to be ready for the advice before anyone gives you it. I know that is pretty difficult. I mean how can you prepare yourself for something you don’t know is going to happen or even if it will happen? The truth is you can’t. What you can do is prepare yourself mentally to make a change and/or be ready and open to a possible first step that will take you in the direction you want so when someone does give you advice you can use, you are prepared to listen.

Life can absolutely weigh down on you. It is very easy to get stuck in a rut or routine and feel like there is no way to get to the point you want to be at or that the path to the success you desire is just too far. There is nothing wrong with feeling that. Trust me. I have felt it for many years and it is only now that I truly feel I am making progress to achieve a dream. I think the trick is, just don’t give in. No matter how hopeless it may seem or how daunting the task may be, don’t give in. Don’t look at the big picture all the time. Try breaking it down like you would at work. Same scenario. Take the big picture and break it down into smaller tasks. Tackle each task as it comes up. Enjoy the process. Do not put undue pressure on yourself. Just focus on taking on the small challenges so the weight of the dream isn’t holding you down. Take it one step at a time.

Now here’s the hardest part. At least it truly is for me. Have patience. Unfortunately we live in a society that revolves around instant gratification and we want everything as soon as possible. I know I can’t help but want things as quickly as possible. But we must live with the realization that nothing happens overnight. Sure there are success stories of people achieving their dreams in record time but for you and me it just isn’t going to happen. We have to work for what we want. There will definitely come times when it just feels like you aren’t getting anywhere and maybe you should give up. When these times come up, I want you to ask yourself one question. “What is the alternative?” If you give up then you will just live out your life knowing you never gave it your best shot and will spend days sitting in your lazy boy, with sour cream and onion Pringles, at 3pm in the afternoon watching Judge Judy thinking “What if?”.

There is a saying that tells us it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. That is because we only have one life. I say it is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried. We only have one life and what we make of it is our choice. We can give in to the pressure around us and cave or we can swim upstream and fight the current to try and get what we dream of. The choice is yours. What will you decide?

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