Weston’s Wisdom – How I Met Your Mother’s Latest Edition

If you are a fan of How I Met Your Mother then you have seen the lovely Nazanin Boniadi who is currently playing the role of Nora, who very well may be Barney’s mystery bride in this season’s premiere.

NYMag.com did a lovely piece with Nazanin on her journey to playing this part. If you would like to read it, click here.

Recently I have spoken about what it takes to get where you want to be in life. Ms. Boniadi is a wonderful success story whose journey has been a very interesting one to say the least.

You see, Nazanin was actually at the University of California Irvine studying medicine. Once she completed college and started applying to med schools, she finally realized that her heart was not in it. That her passion was not for medicine but lay in acting. It was not the easiest of realizations because she came to terms with the fact that she must now inform her father of her decision. The man who paid for her college education. His response was basically that she was in her mid-twenties and she had never acted a day in her life. He asked if she realized this. Her response was priceless. It is actually something we can all take to heart. She said, “Yeah, I’m fully aware of that, but I’m going to take it seriously like I did with pre-med. I have the passion for it, so I’m hoping it will pay off.” With hard work and determination she now is starring on one of television’s most popular sitcoms.

I love stories like this because they go to show you that no matter what your situation is, you can change your focus and be successful as long as you put in the work required. Whether you really want to change careers or start something new like your own business. With the right attitude and the right work ethic, the sky’s the limit. Anything is possible and once you realize that it can really take the stress out of the journey. I know every time I read a story like this, I feel better about my choice and think anything is possible.

I wonder if one day someone will write a blog entry about my road to becoming a full time actor. One can always hope.

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