Weston’s Wisdom – When, Someday…Get Out of my WAY!!

Well it just seems to be that this week has been dedicated to inspiration. It’s funny how things just seem to happen. But they do.

I was reading an article which reinforced my belief that I am taking the necessary steps to change things in my life. This article is really an eye opener if you take the time to read and actually reflect if you use some of the phrases in the article.

It is a great article which you can read by clicking here.

For years I had been the person using all the phrases that you shouldn’t use if you are trying to make a change in your. We all fall prey to the these phrases at one time or another. Our lack of action can easily be affiliated with one or more forms of using the phrases mentioned in the article.

My personal crutch for a very long time was the word “When”. Phrases like “When” I lose 10 more pounds then I will get headshots done. Or “When” I feel comfortable in my financial situation I’ll really start focusing on acting. After reading his article, I started to feel like using “When” in a statement should be a swear word.

The author is Robert Pagliarini author of The Other 8 Hours: Maximize Your Free Time to Create New Wealth & Purpose and the #1 best seller Six-Day Financial Makeover. He has appeared as an expert on 20/20, Good Morning America, Dr. Phil, ABC Morning News, and in The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Money Magazine, as well as countless other programs and articles.

The man has a gift for making you look in the mirror and ask yourself if you use these phrases in your life. You can’t help but wonder how many times you have said “When” as a statement to preclude an action. Just simply asking yourself if you do this can help you to stop and make a change.

The worst offender has to be “Someday”. “Someday” when I have more money I’m going to go to Italy or Greece. “Someday” I will be discovered and become a Hollywood star. It is so easy to sit back and think of “Someday”. Everything good lies waiting in someday.

Please go read his article. It isn’t very long and it will really hit home.

While dreams and hopes always wait in “Someday”, those days will never come without action today.

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